As a winner of the Best Endodontic Practice in the UK by the Private Dentistry Awards, the Endo61 purpose built practice offers state of the art technology and the very latest equipment to assure consistency in the quality of endodontic treatment.
Operating Microscope
Dr Bhanderi is equipped with a Surgical Operating Microscopes. Magnification and fibreoptics illumination are invaluable tools that assist us in performing the technical aspects of endodontic treatment. Our operating microscope is also equipped with a Sony high-definition (HD) camcorder to help document cases for enhanced communication and teaching purposes.

Flexion Microscopes
The operating microscopes that we use at Endo61 are Flexion microscopes. Flexion are award winning microscopes and provide high quality optics and service to the medical industry. Flexion microscopes offer a huge range of magnification, an unparalleled field of view and an impressive depth of focus at all magnifications. We only use the best here at Endo61.

Digital Radiography
X-ray procedures are an essential part of quality endodontic therapy. Our practice utilises an advanced non-film dental imaging system known as CDR (computed dental radiography). This gives us an instant on-screen image with a reduced x-ray radiation dose by up to 80% compared to conventional dental film x-rays.
Using this system, an electronic sensor produces computerised radiographs, which appear instantly on a chairside computer screen. These images can then be adjusted, printed, archived indefinitely and sent to your dentist.
We can then go through the whole procedure in advance and hopefully answer any questions that you may have before we start.

Sometimes if your tooth has already been root-filled or has been partially treated, or if there are unusual complications and disease processes involved, and for apical microsurgery, we will need to refer you for a 3D imaging called CBCT scan.
This gives us much more detail than a conventional radiograph (X-ray) image to confirm the diagnosis and to advise you and plan for the best treatment approach for you.
We are also equipped with sophisticated ultrasonic units which are used to remove posts and metal instruments that may have been left in your root canals, as well as aid in the search for mineralised and missing canals.
Ultrasonic cleaning is also used in endodontic microsurgery. Diamond-coated microscopic tips vibrate up to 25,000 cycles per second to ensure accurate, efficient, and smooth root canal preparation and cleaning.

Nickel-Titanium Instruments
The cleaning and shaping of the root canal is aided by the use of fine instruments made of a unique alloy of nickel-titanium, which allows smooth and very passive cleansing of the root canal with a liquid antibacterial solution to remove the infected tissue from the root canals.